Shadow always had high hopes for haircuts, but they never lived up to his expectations. After every haircut he looked more or less the same, only with shorter hair. -American Gods, Neil Gaiman
I was reading last night and this line in the book made me smile a little. Its something I can relate to. - Charlotte
That's right, Christian Bale is sweet, sweet storm of rage and talent. To anyone who thinks less of him for that awesome rant... Well, 2 bad 4 U sometimes you just have to let it all out. Time has past and it still freaken rocks from the murder music mixes to the OG rant. I LOVE IT! Violet Sometimes
She is someone to be admired although try not to get sucked into the celebrity gossip and other blahdee blah.. that shouldn't concern me. I am only human after all and it seems when times are at there worst a grocery lines are at there longest, I give in to mind numbing temptation.. Woo! I have notice that Helena Bonham Carter has been on worst dressed list-O more then once and I find this rather unfair actually. She dresses just fine!!! I mean it pleases her just fine. Random thought of the day.